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Hemangioma of tongue

Fig. 1 -

Hemangioma of tongue with difficulty in feeding and speech
Toddler with a giant hemangioma of the tongue .

 CASE PRESENTATION- A 1 year old boy presented with a rapid growing huge sized lingual vascular mass which not only filled entire oral cavity but protruded outside the mouth up to about 5 cm. 

During laryngoscopy and intubation the tongue was pulled out of the oral cavity to ease the passage of the endotracheal tube. 

The mass was excised successfully and patient had an uneventful postoperative course. Final result shows patient one year after surgery

Fig. 2 -

Intubation eased by pulling the tongue out .

Toddler with a giant hemangioma of the tongue .

Fig. 3 -

Patient one year after surgery

The case progressed very rapidly (over 2-3 months) it got to this stage. 1 year post operative he has normal speach development.

With mechanical compression of his tongue, and pulling out the tongue as much as possible enough space was made for laryngoscope to go behind his tongue,and also intubation had no difficulty. (the aim was to avoid tracheostomy in the child) and even with this extra challenge of anesthesia for this patient, there was no damage and airway was intact.

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