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Medical Question

58-year-old man presents with a month history of breathlessness. He was a non-smoker. 

On examination his :

temperature was 36.7oC, with a respiratory rate of 20 breaths per minute and normal breath sounds to auscultation and a pulse of 92 bpm. Arterial blood gases on air showed:

* pH 7.51 (7.36 - 7.44)
* pO2 8.4 kPa (11.3 - 12.6)
* pCO2 4.0 kPa (4.7 - 6.0)

What is the most likely diagnosis?
Available marks are shown in brackets

1) Atypical pneumonia
2) fibrosing alveolitis
3) hysterical hyperventilation
4) inhaled foreign body                              
5) pulmonary thromboembolism

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